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Customer`s Services Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
0-800-501-011Technical Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
Customer`s Services Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
0-800-501-011Technical Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
Domonet provides unlimited high-speed home internet in apartments and private houses. Choose your type of dwelling and locality to check the availability of our services.
My house here: ", "
The house falls within the coverage. Move the label as accurately as possible to your house and click the Order button.
Here are the rates for private house
My house here: ", "
The house falls into the area that is in the process of connecting. Move the label as accurately as possible to your house and click Order button to be one of the first.
Here are the rates for private house
My house here: ", "
The house does not fall within the coverage. But you can move the label as accurately as possible to your house and click the Order button. We will check the availability.
Designation on the network coverage map:
Connected - the house is already connected to the services and you can already order the connection.
In the process of connecting -building is under fiber construction, leave the request and one of the first you will find out when construction works end.
There is no technical capability - the house has already been worked out, but is not connected to handle administrative issues with the service company. Leave a request and we will resume negotiations about building fiber to your building
Thank you
The request is sent to the Customer`s Services Support Working hours: 9 am - 9 pm, every day
Request sent to Technical Support Working hours: 24/7
We`ll call you back as soon as possible
Thank you
The request is sent to the Customer`s Services Support Working hours: 9 am - 9 pm, every day
We`ll call you back as soon as possible
Thank you
The request is sent to the Customer`s Services Support Working hours:9 am - 9 pm, every day
We`ll call you back as soon as possible
** Доступ до перегляду запропонованого Абоненту Провайдером Контенту здійснюється за допомогою Контент-партнера Omega ТМ (ТОВ "Омега ТВ") через Додатковий сервіс на умовах Публічного договору оферти https://domonet.ua/uk/contract . Під Контентом мається за увазі аудіовізуальні твори (фільми, серіали, анімаційні твори, тощо), що зберігаються та/або показ яких забезпечується через сервер Контент-партнера.
** Приведення Провайдером програмного додатку на обладнанні у стан, який надає Абонентові доступ до Сервісу.
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